History Of Damascus Steel
Damascus Steel or Wootz steel originated in South India somewhere between 800 BC and 100 BC. During the begging of the Roman Empire the first finely layered, twisted Damascus was created for the upper class. History does assume that the method for making Damascus was in several places including India, Persia, the Middle East, and Northern Europe.
The Ancient City of Damascus is the historic city center of Damascus, Syria.
Damascus Steel has received a reputation for being extremely strong, especially compared to other metals of the day. Legends were told of great knights shattering their enemy’s weapons in combat.
The recipe for making this type of ancient Iron Age masterpiece requires hammering and folding dozens of layers of steel through hundreds of repetitions, forming them into a blacksmith-forged billet worthy of grinding into a weapon. Some researchers believe the method dates back even further than our current understanding allows.
Beauty and Power. The one-of-a-kind patterning and markings made from the forging process are what make Damascus Steel so popular among collectors today. The intricate detail and beauty of each piece are clearly seen in its flawless craftsmanship.
From the Vikings to the Japanese, blacksmiths around the world developed their own traditions for making Damascus steel. Its popularity is derived from primary use in ancient armor and weaponry - but Damascus also has many other purposes, because these strong metals can be bonded together by skilled artisans using a hammer and an anvil.